Sunday, June 16, 2019


"कबीरा खड़ा बाजार में, मांगत सब की खैर। न काहु से दोस्ती, न काहु से बैर ।।"

Kabira Das says that we all stands in a Market and should want welfare of everyone. We should avoid friendship or enmity with anyone.  

Few Markets that I have seen and experienced are:

  1. Highly organized markets:
    • Modern Retail shops in which corporate are involved. They are highly competitive and well equipped with all modern facilities. They are fast in adopting new technologies.
    • Stock and equity markets: Helpful in developing the equity funded business. Very fast in adopting new technologies. Have started including the low incomer intellectuals.
      Innovation: Easy merger and acquisition laws to facilitate the flow of capital between High capital and very low capital and debt-trapped business.
    • Organized agricultural market: The market is owned by a benevolent Government Farmers and traders get registration numbers and a stall. There are officials and security guard to monitor the trade and price. Farmers and traders get free transport facility in Government transport system.
    • Government supply of Ration and kerosene at subsidized rate.
    • Small/Monopolistic shops and general stores. 
  1. Unorganized squatting markets with poor infrastructures: The market is owned by private land lords. Farmers and traders occupy there place on chance and opportunity grasping basis. A person is allotted for revenue collection.
    Innovation: Here I feel that the ticketing system like that in Indian railway will be good. Government and corporate may try to take these business.
  1. Moving Markets:
    • Organized: Business in airplane, ships, train and bus.
    • Semi organized: Business through vehicles like cycle, 4 wheeled carts, tempo, bus and general and sleeper compartments of Indian railway.  

    • Human Walking and/or with Horse, Bull, Cycle/Motorcycle/2&4 wheelers, boat Market
    • Sales man+/Delivery man: Items like grocery, Jewelery, fashion items, cloth, toy, tea, snacks (biscuit, samosa, chops), egg, Pani Puri (Gup-chup), ice cream, chana chur, fruits, sprouts, milk, curd, fried items, idli,vada, date palms, noodles, sugarcane juice, lemon water, litti, etc., animals like goat and chicken, “Bageri” (a wild bird, considered as agricultural pest, caught and killed for meat), dove, fish, Medicines, animal fodder, LPG cylinders, courier, parcel, passengers, bills, water, financial services, news papers and magazines, etc.
    • Service man: Hair cut and shaving, body massaging, head massaging, ear cleaning, labor, job hunters, sales man repair works, pest control and insecticide spray,,mantra-tantra, entertainment (artist, jokers, snake charmer, monkey dancers, orators, singers, magic), scavenging, cleaning, putting wax/grease in vehicle, astrology, compounder, nursing, beggars and begging, pick pocketing, rat catcher, moving honey bee farming, detective works, security guards, drivers, cooks, tourist guide, Astrologers, Physicians, Campaigners for a politician and a party, missionaries, teachers, tent/stage makers, buyers (of scraps, old newspapers and magazines), photographer, video recorder, Artificial insemination, electrical service. etc.   
    • Innovation: Better organization based on bio-metric registration.
3. A property market: 
  • Currently it is highly formality based, taking good time.
  • In a rural/semi rural property market, Mohri (Registrar) is the key official involved in transfer of property title from one person to another. He may demand Rs.30,000 to 40,000 for his work. Other officials are Ameen (Land mapper), Land revenue collector, etc. Ameen may demand Rs.800-1000 for his one day work.
  • The property trade occurs at the district office.
  • Official costs in a Property trade is not based on the size of the land but on the piece of work in a given date. In general, official and other costs in land transfer on per meter square basis is 18 %. While the rest 82 % is what the seller gets from the buyer. Price of my property sold in year 2014-15 was at a price of Rs.1,300/square meter.
  • Few (3-5) people are required to be present with there voter ID, Aadhaar card, etc. to become witness of the trade. Bio-metric procedures are also involved.
  • At final stage an official asks about the settled land price, reason for the property sale and whether the seller has received the money or not. After he/she gets satisfied, the trade is recorded in a computer.
  • The procedures take around one full day. 3 months time period is given for confirming the trade and after that the final land documents are prepared. After that the land buyer has to go for getting the “Dakhil Kharij” papers, after which he/she becomes eligible for paying the land revenue for his/her purchased land, which is around Rs.50/year. 
  • Innovation: On line property trade, like that of a shares, or like a on line-birth reservation in railway, will provide liquidity and convenience to the traders.  
  • What if more than one inheritor claims right on an ancestral (dead/old/diseased relative's) property? Since money is important, all those who wants to get fresh land tax receipt, should be allowed to get it and should also be allowed to sell that property. But information about all those individually paying tax for a property, desiring to sell and getting first hand on selling, should be mentioned in the website. Why the Government should be worried about the problems in a family and among the inheritors? They should work on problems which is reported to them and not worry about the anticipated problems. In Ramayan, Ravan could govern Lanka, as his brother Kumbhkaron use to sleep for most of the time.
Land transgression and 2-3 lines of control

This is highly complicated and stressful issue. Involving severe violence, police and court cases. Indian philosophers have said about " वीर भोग्य वसुंधरा " strong people enjoy the taste of this life on earth. Local proverbs says-जड़, जोड़ू, जमीन (Assets, Wife, Land) etc. requires proper single control (Lord Ram is preferred over Lord Krishna).
Let us see the example of Indian railway- Often we book ticket but when we travel on our seat with a confirmed ticket, many people tries to capture/share our seat/birth. Some times we tolerate and sometimes express unhappiness and call TTE (Train ticket collector) and railway police. The situation is very bad when we have a wait-listed ticket or general or no ticket. 
Same thing happens with a property, especially when the property owner dies without properly making a Legal Will.  In this, if the local governments doesn't support you, you may loose your inherited property. Land Inheritance laws depends on region and religion. 

Getting fresh land tax receipt on regular basis shows your claim on inheritance, but if some of your property is in other's control and or in the control of another relatives, or if your faith, profession, etc. deviates, your claim will weaken.  
If you have money, you can take support of Ameen, police or a lawyer, but if you are a pauper and in some debt traps, only God can save you. 

  1. Print and Electronic Markets:
    • Here Print media like newspapers,magazines and electronic media like radio and Television are used. Simple and smart phones are used for communications. Proper power and electricity supply are required.
    • Smart phones and computer with Internet, speakers, camera, microphone and other accessories are required. Comfort and convenience are high but initial fixed and later recurring costs are also high. Few people have the required knowledge and facility. Though they are good source for knowledge transfer and entertainments. But use of digital wold merely for entertainment and senseless debates will kill its importance. Chances of cheating and dragging into traps are also very high. Competition is fierce and those with poor infrastructure cannot survive.
      Abhorrence towards people in struggling phase for loan and job, no financial support to people with poor credit score, financial and time based targets by telecommunication company, Banks levying fees for its financial services and fine for not maintaining proper bank balance, high targets by Google ad sense for its publishers, etc. are current challenges.
      Innovation: Easy financial support, technical supports, proper consultancy, e-governance for problem solving and trade facilitation should be there. Cases of cheating, trapping, luring, should be noticed and solved. 

Fire and Digestion

Religion says that Fire is a God that eats many thing. Science considers it a form of heat+/light energy.
Burning of different things/ materials produce different forms of heat, light, ash and smell.
From our common days experience, we find that Shisham (Dalbergia sisoo), Mango, Bamboo, Cow dung cake, leaf litter, coal, Petroleum and Bio Gas, etc. to be a good source of fire.

We also burn Dhoop, Agarbatti, Camphor, etc. that produce good pleasing fragrance. While burning of plastic, tyre, flesh, Chili, tobacco, Chemical based mosquito coils, etc. produce unpleasant experience.

There are some religious place and Samadhi of some deceased leaders, martyrs, etc. where fire is lit continuously for all days and years.

Like our burning experience, eating/consumption of different type of foods, produce different moods, thoughts, emotions, actions, disease, etc. in our body. So there are emphasis on different forms of Yoga, exercise, breathing practices (Pranayaam), Singing, chanting God's name, Reading, writing, brain storming, shopping, works of philanthropy, etc. to get better fate, feelings and health.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

रीगा चीनी मिल

रीगा चीनी मिल के प्रबंधन की समस्या है कि, चीनी का बाजार भाव, लागत के दाम से कम है। गन्ना और मजदुरी का मुल्य बढ़ा है, पर उस अनुपात में चीनी का मुल्य नहीं! रीगा चीनी मिल के शेयर (हिस्सेदारी) का दाम भी बहुत कम है। कंपनी पर कर्ज बोझ भी काफी अधीक है। शेयर का वर्तमान दाम, मूल दाम से कम होना, दर्शाति है कि कंपनी निवेशकों का मन/भरोसा नहीं जीत पा रही है। पर मेरी जानकारी में, सीतामढ़ी का यह एक मात्र कंपनी है, जिसका शेयर बाॅम्बे स्टौक एक्सचेंज पर है। और यह किसान, मजदुर से जुड़ी कंपनी है, इस लिये मुझे इस से काफी उम्मीद है।

सुना था कि, कंपनी किसान को गन्ने का मुल्य में, पैसे के बदले, चीनी दे रही है । इसका एक और समाधान है कि कंपनी किसान को गन्ने का मुल्य और मजदुर को मजदुरी के कुछ पैसे के साथ, कुछ शेयर दे । शेयर का अंकित मूल्य (Face value) और वर्तमान दाम (Market value) में जो ज्यादा हो, वही खर्चे का निपटारा में लागु हो । डीमैट खाता का प्रबंध बैंक या कंपनी स्वयं कर सकती है।

वैसे तो शेयर बाजार में बुद्धी के प्रयोग की प्रबलता है, पर मेरा यह भी मानना है कि भावनात्मक रूप से हर व्यक्ति को अपने क्षेत्र की कंपनी का कुछ शेयर लेना चाहिये।

चीनी का दाम, लागत से कम क्यों है ?
  • चीनी का मुल्य, सरकार द्वारा नियंत्रित है।
  • कुछ कंपनी, कम लागत में चीनी बना कर, सीतामढ़ी के बाजार में बेच पा रही है।
  • दुसरे देशों से/में भी चीनी का आयात/निर्यात होता है।
  • किसान को गन्ने का सही मुल्य नहीं मिलने पर वें दुसरे फसल, जैसे कि धान, सब्जी, की खेती करेंगे। गन्ने को मिल को न देकर वे गुड़ उत्पादन या शर्बत बनाने -बेचने में लगा सकती है।
  • मजदुर को अच्छी मजदुरी न मिलने पर पलायण बढ़ेगा, और सरकार को समर्थन/वोट घटेगा और कलह/अराजकता बढ़ेगा।

सरकार के समर्थन के कारणकंपनी को काफी ऋण मिली हैऔर मिल रही है। इस लिये इस कंपनी को निवेशकों का मन जीतने की इच्छा भी नहीं है। सरकार या तो इसका ऋण माफ कर देगीया इसे ऋण चुकाने के लायक बना देगी!

Monday, May 6, 2019

ईश्वर और माया

गुरू वचन अनुसार, जीव का लक्ष्य ईश्वर है, और माया उस मेँ बाधा है.
सीता-राम नाम जाप, इस क्षेत्र में काफी प्रचलित है, जिसमे सीता जी माया प्रतीक है, और राम जी ईश्वर है.
माया जीव को मोहीत कर के, मोक्ष से दुर कर, विभिन्न योनीयों का चक्कर कटाती है.
एक प्रकाशित लेख के अनुसार, चुनाव में "जीते को जग मिलता है और हारे को हरी नाम”! यहां जग माया प्रतीक है, और हरी नाम ईश्वर के सत्ता मे आस्था!.

शास्त्र अनुसार, ईश्वर के सत्ता में ८४ लाख योनी है. ईश्वर इन सभी योनीयों में आत्मा को पहुंचाना चाहते है. तो क्या वें ज्यादा लोगो को मोक्ष (जन्म-मृत्यु के चक्र से मुक्ती) देना नहीं चाहते ? मोक्ष का अधिकारी क्या केवल मनुष्य है ? इसका उत्तर तो एक ईश्वर प्राप्त गुरू ही दे सकते है.

माया बहुत शक्तिशाली है, और मनुष्य को सुख और दुख में फंसा हंसाती-रूलाती रहती है.
भक्तीमार्ग के एक कवि अनुसार, “मेरा मन कहां, सुख पावे, जैसे, उरी जहाज की पंक्षी, फिरी जहाज पर आवे“. मन के भटकाव के कारण, मनुष्य बहुत कुछ करता है, करना चाहता है, पर सत्य को पूर्ण रूप से न समझ पा, और विभिन्न समस्याओं का सामना करने पड़, उसे ईश्वर की शरण लेनी परती है.

वैदिक साहित्य में, हम ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश को सर्वोच्च त्रिमूर्ति के रूप में जानते हैं, लेकिन उनके बीच वर्चस्व के लिए सह-प्रतिस्पर्धा का भी उल्लेख है।वैदिक ज्योतिष में सूर्य और बृहस्पति के बीच मित्रता और संघर्ष का भी उल्लेख है।हमें जैसे-जैसे पृथ्वी पर विभिन्न समुदायों के बारे में ज्ञान बढ़ता गया, हम भगवान के बारे में कई विश्वासों और कल्पनाओं को समझे है। 

शास्त्र अनुसार हमें सभी सजीव-निर्जीव/जड़-चेतन में ईश्वर को देखना है, पर किसी चीज से मोह करने से बचने का भी सलाह देती है, पर मोह, माया, काम, क्रोध, लोभ, इत्यादी तो देवो के ही अस्त्र-शस्त्र रहें हैं! मोह के जाल में स्वयं ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश जैसे देव भी फंसते रहें हैं, इसका प्रमाण रामायण, महाभारत जैसे ग्रंथो में मिलता है। ईश्वर का अवतार तो कुछ समय के लिये एक बहुत ही साधारण जीव में भी हो सकता है! यह प्रकृति और समय के मांग पर निर्भर करता है। इस से कर्म का महत्व जन्म से ज्यादा लगता है। पर जन्म का महत्व ज्योतिष शास्त्र मे अधीक है। इसी जन्म में भी अनेक जन्म हो सकता है, जो कि, ज्ञान और सौभाग्य के आने-जाने पर निर्भर करता है।

जेल (बंधन): एक बार कुछ लोगो से बात चीत हुइ, जिस में कुछ ख्याती प्राप्त गुरू जिन पर अपराधिक मामला चला है, और जो जेल में है का जिक्र हुआ। मेरा मत था कि, बहुत बार देखा हुआ भी झुठ निकल जाता है, तो समाचार में आय हर बात को गम्भीरता से नहीं लिया जा सकताविष्णु सहस्त्रनाम में "सर्व प्रहरणायुध ॐ नम इति“ का उल्लेख है। विष्णु जी को बहुत लोग और जीव का पेट भरना है. आस्तिक और नास्तिक दोनो ही ईश्वर/भाग्य का सहयोग चाहते हैं. कभी प्रभु न्याय व्यवस्था से जुड़े लोगो की पुकार पहले सुन लेते है. धन-संपत्ती का लोभ गुरू को भी हो सकता है. हम सभी कोई न कोई बंधन में बंधे हुये है. जैसे कि रोग, पद, उम्रकर्म बंधन, वैवाहिक, समाजिक, परिवारिक, ऋणइत्यादिहर बंधन कुछ लेता है और कुछ देता है. जेल बंधन, दर्शाता है कि उस व्यक्ति का समाज में जगह नहीं है, और उसे दंडाधिकारी के आधीन रहना है. यह बंधन ज्यादा कठोर हो सकता है, पर ईशवर पर श्रद्धा रखने वालो के लिये यह एक कठिन परिक्षा के समान है.


Saturday, April 20, 2019

God & Nature

We human being has the ability to think, discover and invent new things. Though we are in the Hands (Control) of the Nature, but still we try to understand and control it.

Nature and God are Synonyms. Those with strong scientific attitude may understand Nature but may not appreciate the presence of God.

जीवो जीवस्य भोजनम् (One life depends on another for food), I had heard the saying from my father who was a non-vegetarian. While reading Surya mantra, I found that the Fire and Sun eats almost everything. Phototropic/autotrophic Crops depends on light, water and minerals to prepare there food. They need insects and wind for pollination, Bacteria for nitrogen fixation and nutrient mobilization. They also depend on fungus, earthworms, etc. So they too depend on other life. Human and animals eat crops. There are many food chains from virus, bacteria to Tiger, Eagle, Human, etc. 
Humans are polyphagous and have to get into some of these food chains. We grow crop, eat them. We domesticate some animals to meet our several food, cloth and transport requirements.
The invention of machines and tools have given us more power to understand and control the Nature.

The beauty of God & and Nature is that they motivate us, challenge us, allow us to question there existence, still there presence cannot be ignored!

As per astrology, our behaviors and fate are controlled through gravitational forces by different planets. There are managements above the ruling of these planets. Like our parliament, there are some planets supporting us and there are some creating resistance to us. Our hard work can make us to get good benefits from all planets and Gods. But ultimately death comes to even the most successful person in life! Some people create good examples and they continue to live in our memory, even after there physical death.
By seeing a person being in prosperity for most duration of his/her life and a person being in poverty/disease/deformation for most duration of his/her life, the theory of Karma or works of past  birth (theory of life after death) emerged and became popular. 

Resistance and Support is for the Nature and also for all God's known to us. Time is considered as Supreme, but Money or Energy can have effect on Time. For example a women can save her egg in early age at a cell/organ bank and use that egg to produce child after her menopause or in the old age.
Many religious books say that there are only 24 hours/day in life of all beings and those who utilize there Time most properly, they achieve there focused goal. 

When we domesticate animals and plants, we have to take there care and feed them. But a time comes when we have to sell that animal/plant, use or kill it for our food, give it to someone, or depart from it.
In a similar way we can think about some power above us to use us in different food chain or economic process.

The management of God is like a simple game of Snake and ladder or a complicated game of Chess. Things appear before us as per our attitude (thoughts, bias, faith) and actions for our and others livelihood (Philanthropy and Parasitism/Predatism). Nature blesses us with the ability to select things, or make choices or cast vote. 

Now when we are thinking to live on Moon, Mars and other Planets, our hard work and dedications may pave new paths for us. Nothing is impossible. Present God will be happy when we will make our self a God. But Resistance and Supports will be at all stage, even after residing on some other planet!